Graduate School Application Deadlines for Fall 2011 ?
I write this statement all the time and I hate to write this again, but the reality is “The deadlines depends on the school you are applying to”. In fact, some of the very good schools only accept graduate students in Fall term. For instance, Graduate School at Univ of Wisconsin for Computer Sciences accepts new admission only in Fall term. The clear point is, your pool for admissions in Fall is much larger than applying in Spring. Also, applying to Graduate Schools in Fall has many Advantages when compared to Spring. Fall vs Spring Admissions. Let’s look at some the schools deadlines for Fall 2011. I am assuming you have read the Spring 2011 Admission Deadlines and Planning That article that has all the links for Universities and I do not want to put them again. In general the deadlines for Fall 2011 are very different depending on School. They vary anywhere in the below list. I did NOT make up these, these are from Universities.
- Dec 15th, 2010
- April 1st, 2011
- Jan 1st, 2011
- March 1st , 2011
- Feb 15th, 2011
Assuming Fall 2011 Application Deadline is December 15th , 2010 : Sample Schedule
Depending on the program, majority of the good schools like University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Purdue University have December 15th, 2010 as the deadline for Fall 2011. So, if you are serious about getting into good school and get scholarships, you have to plan to apply by December 15th of 2010. I am assuming and giving the plan for the best case scenario.
Sample Fall 2011 Application Plan with deadlines for International Graduate Students:
Admission related Activity | Complete By Month & Timing |
GRE and TOEFL Preparation | April, May, June 2010 |
GRE Test | June 15th , 2010 |
TOEFL Test | June 30th , 2010 |
University Selection list | Full Month : July , August 2010 |
Scholarships Prep and Apply. | August and September 2010. |
Online Applications Complete | October 1st 2010 |
SOP and Scholarship essays | November 1st – November 30th 2010 |
Transcripts& Recommendations | October and November 2010 |
Bank Statement Preparation | November 1st – November 30th 2010. |
Draft of application set | November 15th , 2010 |
Final Check and mail / Post application material | Dec 1st – December 15th 2010 |
You may think or actually be, when applying for scholarships, very early for fall 2011 . But the reality is, the sooner the better. Because we are international students and it takes time for us to send if they ask anything or if we are missing something. I know friends of mine who applied with exact schedule as above for PhD for Fall 2010 and have admission and funding decisions already. They followed similar plan as listed above. In fact I applied for Fall and I followed the same plan for my MS admission too and had my I20 along with scholarship by end of March of that year for Starting in Fall
As always, you will have to be very alert and do not miss any information about scholarships. You may read this article for info on scholarships : How to find scholarships info for internationals (MS, MBA) at Schools in USA ? Many great people have already said that, “the key to success is careful planning” and this schedule listed above might help you a little to plan well for fall 2011.
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hello sir/madam,
i am a BBA student and i wish to apply for MBA abroad. I am still planing to give my GMAT/GRE this year. I have been throught he forums and a lot of information on the net available about the spring, summer and fall admissions but it still looks like a lot confusing for me. I wana ask that if i take my GMAT or GRE test this year then when can i apply for the admission for MBA??
hello sir/madam,
i am a BBA student and i wish to apply for MBA abroad. I am still planing to give my GMAT this year.i have been throught he firums and a lot of information on the net available about the spring and summer and fall admissions but it still looks like a lot confusing for me. I wana ask that if i take my GMAt test this year then when can i apply for the admission for MBA??
Is it late to take a gre on nov 1st ? will i be able to apply for fall-2012 ?
I am a graduate in Biomedical sciences and have specialized in Human Genetics in this May. I would like to apply for sep 2012 and I scored 1060 Verbal – 340 and Quants – 720 in GRE. I would like to give my GRE again and I am yet to give my TOEFL.
I have a good academic background and scored 85% in UG, 97% in 12th and 89% in 10th class. I am looking forward for a fully funded PhD or a masters and PhD integrated course with full scholarship.
Kindly suggest me regarding the scores I need to get to be eligible for scholarships and from when I should start applying.
Thank you.
i am chaitanya applying for spring jan 2012.i got GRE 1110.i am writing toefl on AUG 21 2011 .do i have enough time to report.I have already sent my transcripts.pls help me
I’m an UG student doing my B.E specialization in Information technology(science),
and I’m planning to do MS IN FALL 2012 in abroad, would you please tell me when we have to take GRE/TOEFL entrance exam and got 64% in my Diploma and got 50% in class 10th and now my CGPA is 7.88 pts will i able to apply for this exams please do replay.
With regards
forward your resume we will train and full fill lin clients place
hi i am planning to give gre in fall 2012 .can u please tell me when should i give gre and when should i submit the forms .what are the likely deadlines for the universities in usa.
sir i am planning to do ms in fall 2012 so can u tell me when should i give gre and when should i submit the forms and what are the likely deadlines for good colleges.
hi sir..
im doin my btech final yr and it ends on 25-april-2011..
i fixed a date to take gre on 11-july-2011.
and i m planning for spring 2012 (ie.., jan 2012 classes)..
If my score is ok for me then ,,is the time sufficient for
-applying universities,
-getting i20,
-applying for visa/getting,
-getting scholarships,,and for all formalites ..pls help me im in a big confusion..need a guidance.
Well, you might be cutting close on few things….as long as you send the applications before the deadlines you should be fine. Check out the sample schedule for Spring 2011 . It will give you an idea about tasks to do in the short time…
hiii sir,
i have taken my gre in the month of october and got 1120 im planning to go for fall 2011 i hav applied to the colleges in the month of january but dint take toefl till now so wen do you think it would b better for me to take the test..i have applied to ASU TEMPE,UAB,U MASS DART MOUTH, FDU
Can anyone tell me , do good universities open in spring?I’ve GRE score of 1110….what are the scopes??
Vidish, Good is how you define it…many good schools do have Spring admissions…
Hi Kumar,
Can you please tell me wen is the last date upto wich i can give my gre and tofel.
I m planning for jan 2012.Please help me in this asap.I m thinkin to giv it in july.Can i still apply for jan2012????:-)
Nilesh, Yes you can. As you are applying for Spring 2012, look at the sample schedule for Spring 2011 . It must be same, just replace 2011 with 2012.
hi kumar… i got 1190 in gre, 98 in toefl
im thinking of missouri rolla,kansas state univ,univ of missisipi sir……. so are there chances to get funding from these univs????thanks in advance………….
Santu, Unfortunately, I am not up to date on scores and schools. Cannot advise.
hi sir i finished my gre today n i have got 1100 is it a good score to get into decent university………
depends on which course you want… but it’s a pretty decent score
MS in comp sci………i want universities in illinois
Sudeep, there are so many schools in IL…cant just advise for all schools in IL…I would look at the average scores in few schools in IL and then apply accordingly
ok thanks kumar…………….i have applied for 3 universities in illinois……….
Hello Sir,
I have written my TOEFL and got a good score.I dint write my GRE.I have already posted my application to colleges and I am planning to write my GRE in Feb ending.Can I send the GRE score later.Please reply me as soon as possible.Can I post my GRE score later.
Yes, you can as long as it is before the deadline…. Just email the admissions saying the same to get proper confirmation from the school.
Hello Sir,
I am Sridevi.Sir,Can I submit GRE score 1 month late after deadline.I mean I have already submitted my transcripts but I have not taken up my GRE.
You must check with the school that you have applied or plan to apply…it totally depends on the school and their policies.
Hi Kumar,
Hope you are doing well.And, Happy New year.
Firstly, I am almost through with applying for various universities, except for one or two.
But, strangely i realized a horrible mistake, i made, post my submission.
Most universities ask for a .pdf format of Statement of purpose and i promptly uploaded the same. But, i had edited it on my friends (a girl) PC and eventually made changes to the same on my PC, and converted the document to .pdf and uploaded. Since, the first draft was edited on a different username PC, all the subsequent documents have her name as the “Author” of the document and not mine :(. And, to my horror i didn’t even realize the mistake, until recently.
So, Now i am skeptical about how the Professors are going to evaluate my SOP, as they might consider that i might have copied or downloaded an SOP from the Net!!!
So, Will this pose a major problem in my evaluation??!
I don’t think it will be a big deal, as lot of people work on shared laptops/desktops.
Hi Akshay ! Happy new year to you too ! You should be fine. As Saurabh mentioned, it should not be big deal. Do NOT panic. No professor expects students applying from other country to own a laptop and have same name on Software…take it easy !
no harm as long as you don’t send HER SOP 😛
dear kumar,
planning for ms in usa in this year’s fall ie fall 2011.but as i came in touch with some ppl and they suggested me that its not possible now to get admission in fall in usa.i have 2+yrs in app software development.its my target to persue it in some early of my age.hope u undesrtands…needs ur smart guidance assap…and posbly for fall 2011 anyhow at any cost if posble.
thanx for ur time.
I think, it is still possible for Fall 2011. You may have missed deadlines of some really good schools, but not every school. Do some research on schools’ deadlines, you should find something.
Dear Kumar,
I am done with my GRE today but I have got a bit less score – 1140. Quant – 800 and Verbal – 340. I couldn’t make it up to good score because of some reasons. Now I am planning to give my GRE again in 2nd week of Feb -11.
Will that be ok if i give it 2nd time??
I heard that one should get at least get a score of 100 more than the previous attempt without which the 2nd time attempted score is may not be considered by the universities…
Wouldn’t there be fair chances of getting through good university if i get 1230??
Is there any such thing or will it be best of 2 exams??
Pls help me Kumar.
Mohan, it will be fine. It depends on school…and their admission requirements….You might get into decent schools…There is no such thing like best of 2. ETS will report both the scores.
Hello Kumar,
I am 30 and have about 8+ of IT experience. Have worked in the US for a couple of years. I am very eager to do my MBA in the US. Few doubts. Is it worth the effort and money to take up full time MBA now ( with marriage on mind ) ?? How many indians take up such a challenge ?? Thanks for your time
It depends on your goal for MBA …if you are passionate, it is worth ! Cannot generalize, but in my experience, not many take up the challenge because of various factors like family, financial obligations, etc…