When I applied for my Indian passport many years ago, the entire process was paper-driven, and there was a lot of red tape in the process. I had to stand in line for a very long time, I had to fill in big sets of papers and the processing time at Passport Seva Center was very long. This has evolved over the years, and the process is entirely digital now and very seamless.
In this article, I will share our experiences at a typical Passport Seva Kendra(PSK) based on my experience applying new passports for my kids and renewing my Indian passport. We will outline the process, share real photos from a PSK on how it works.
Before you go to the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK), you must register for an account at the Indian Passport Website and book an appointment. You must visit the PSK on the day of the appointment at the respective time. The below article outlines the steps
Step by Step Process at Passport Seva Kendra
Below is the high-level outline of the various steps and processes at a Passport Seva Kendra(PSK) as per the Official Passport Seva Kendra website. We will talk about each of these in detail in the next sections
- Security Check at the entry to the PSK
- Issuance of Token for Document Verification
- Document Verification and placing them in order
- Stage A
- Document Verification
- Photo Capture
- Biometrics Capture
- Scan and upload of Documents
- Signature Capture
- Stage B
- Documents Verification
- Stage C
- Interview with Passport Officer, Grant of Passport
- Exit of PSK
Below is the screenshot of the actual process flow diagram from the official Passport Seva Kendra Website
Process Flow at various Passport Seva Kendras across India
The high level process is very much the same across all the PSKs, just the way they define at each of them at the entrance step varies slightly. Below are examples of process flows diagrams at few of the most popular PSKs across India for your reference:
Screenshot of Process Flow at PSK in Hyderabad
Screenshot of Process Flow at PSK in Bangalore
Screenshot of Process Flow at PSK in Mumbai
Step 1: Applicant Entry, Security Check at the PSK Entrance
In this step, the security personnel will check your bags and documents and verify if you have an appointment or not. They look at the appointment letter with the Application Reference Number (ARN) and the bar code. If you do not have the correct appointment letter and time does not match, they will not let you in.
This is a basic security check that is very much standard in any of the govt offices or private companies. You can expect to see some queues here as well, if there are more people. What they do is, send the people in batches of time slots so that it does not get crowded inside. Below is the screenshot of how it looks at Mumbai PSK. It may look different depending on the entrance.
Step 2: Issuance of Token for Document Verification
Once the security guard lets you enter the premises, you will be asked to stand in line, then they look for the document that you printed out from website, which has the appointment details They will suggest you to do self-attestation on the pages you are supposed to do like Passport first and last pages, etc.
The outsourcing companies handle this part and they do it very efficiently. It is either TCS personnel or some other vendor’s team, who will verify your documents and let you complete the signatures and any other stuff. They will collect your documents and place them in a file and give you a token number. They will ask you do all the signs, put them in order and get your copies, etc. Usually there will be a copier machine here to make copies, print anything you want. This is what they call “Form Selling”
Be mindful as they shout your name, and you have to pay attention. Once you get the token, then, you enter another chamber where the process is defined. You need to show the token to a security guard and he will let you in. It can take about 10 to 15 min here to get the token number.
The token clearly states step-by-step where to go. It says A -> B -> C, indicating where you start and where you end. All the sections A, B and C are color coded. You first enter Section A.
Step 3: Stage I – “A” Counter: Processing Zone
- Document Verification
- Photo Capture
- Biometrics Capture
- Scan and upload of Documents
- Signature Capture
You have TV monitors displaying your token and the corresponding booth where you need to enter. TCS personnel will take care of capturing your photo, verifying documents, organizing them and having them ready in a file. As you need to do online payment, no need to worry about anything about payment for application. Really nice TCS team, they are very helpful and courteous. They will only take the required documents and return if something is not required. This is done in a section like Cubicles in typical office with one side open. It takes about 10 min here. If you have something wrong when you filled application online, this is the time to get it corrected.
Step 4: Stage II – “B” Counter: Verification Zone
- Documents Verification
Once you are done with that, you need to go to Section B, where you will have to wait for sometime for your token to be called. Again, you need to watch TV monitors to see where your token would be called. As this is done by Government employees, it takes time here, they are slow and some of them were not at their desk. I waited for about 15 min and then the guy just verified the file for about 5 seconds and did a signature and asked me to go to next section. It takes about 15 min time at “B” Counter.
Step 5: Stage III – “C” Counter: Granting Zone
- Interview with Assistant Passport Officer, Grant of Passport
Well, this was the most frustrating section of the whole process. I ended up waiting for about 1 hr to 1 hr 20 min here. It was just slow as hell. There were only two old guys, one of the guys did not know how to use a PC, they called a guy to turn on computer…it was pathetic. Anyways, they let you wait for a very long time and you need to keep checking the monitor. They will verify the documents once again and tell the decision. If everything is fine, they will ask you to go to the acknowledgement/ feedback counter. If not, they will ask you to get the required documents. You will be asked to fill out a feedback form and leave the premises. It hardly takes 5 min here.
Overall the process takes about 30 min until section B and the last one takes about 1.5 hrs. overall the process should take about 2 hrs. If there are more people in Section C, you could be out by 1 hr or maybe 1.5 hr. TCS team does a great job by doing work swiftly without any lag. The bottleneck is the last section where Govt Employees work.
Step 6: Feedback Kisok, Exit
Exit of PSK
Tips for Better Experience at Passport Seva Kendra
- Carry a ball point pen, you may need it to sign. If you have not done.
- Make sure you do self-attestation of the passport pages and other documents that are required to do. It will save some last minute hurry when you are in the line.
- Carry photo copies of all the original documents like your address proof, marriage certificate, etc. At Hyderabad, you have a copier inside to take photo copies, but be prepared.
- Do NOT need to go early to the passport Seva Kendra, they will not let you inside. You just need to be there at respective reporting time.
- They will allow cell phones and remote control car keys inside the passport office, do not need to worry about these things. You need to turn them to silent mode.
- You do NOT need an agent, you can do everything on your own. Just need to carry the right documents. Agents do not really take you inside or do anything. They will just guide you and maybe get you a slot.
Latest Tips from Readers :
- If your Aadhar card is new, there may be a situation where the government database is not linked. So, if you have a recently issued Aadhar card, carry a backup accepted document for proof of address.
- For using private bank statements as proof, you need to have your passport size photo with a bank stamp over it. Also, if you have to re-submit certain documents there is a separate time for files that are on hold, so not to worry too much.
What was your experience ? Any other tips for our readers from your experience ?
Sir, My name is Taran and my passport application is put on hold(as by sms) but the status on portal is ‘All documents and applicable fees is submitted.’ I was asked to exit from counter A where the official said I will get my police enquiry in 20-22 days but here I am 23 days dater. What should I do?
My passport had surname missing.
Although every other document (DL/VoterId etc) had correct full name with surname.
So when passport was renewed last time, the surname was added – by following the usual procedure of affidavit/advertisement.
Now, my passport is up for renewal again.
In the renewal form – against the question:
Have you ever changed your name? Yes/No
What should be the response.
My guess is that the answer should be No, because i never really changed my name.
Only surname was added in passport during last renewal.
Any advice?
My pass port is hold
On hold remarks by verification officer call for npc for further process?
What is mening?
Dear Sir,
I want to confirm that if I change my present address after applying for passport re-issue (documents submitted in Passport Seva Kendra after appointment) but before police verification took place, am I going to face any problem in getting my passport? Do I myself have to approach police authorities to inform them about my new address? Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.
Ram Prakash Maurya
Yes, there could be issue, you need to inform the passport office. It is best to stay there for 2 weeks or 1 months until the police clearance is received.
Please advise me.. My पासपोर्ट will expired in 2025 during my MS study. Can I Rene view from US while doing Master or I need to come in India for renewal
You can get your passport renewed in US from one of the Indian missions in major US cities. It is easier and quicker than getting a passport renewed in India. The staff is really nice and helpful, partly due to fewer applicants and partly due to cultural influence.
my fathers name is syed saleemuddin ahmed qadri but in my ssc memo and birth certificate it is written as syed saleem uddin qadri, ahmed was skipped imn my ssc memo ,problem arouse for my re issuance of passport ,as i have full name of my father in my old passport when i am 7 years old now iam adult .what document should i enclose to resubmit my application.
Easy option is to change the passport details, or if you can change the SSC mark list details. I suggest, you need to ask the Passport office what they need so that you can proceed.
I am RAKESH BABU SURYAVAMSHI BABURAO PRAKASH . I Applied passport renewal File number- BN3071969878119 on 18 Mar 2019.
The status is “Passport application is under review at Regional Passport Office” after 18 days. Pls help
Sometimes it can take more time depending on the application background. Wait for few more days or you can call customer service to understand where it is stuck. If it is at police station, visit and check with them or go to the passport office and inquire. sometimes it can take up to a month or more, nothing to panic. just wait.
I Applied for the passport and verification of documents also done and Acknowledgement letter is sent to mail. But the form is given at psk office to me contained a mistake i.e.., My father is Government servant but in the form what they have given to me marked as no ‘N’. So now how do I Rectify that mistake?
My application status is “ON HOLD” ,am I supposed to go for B counter directly or from again counter A and then to counter B?last time I produced all my documents in counter A,am I supposed to submit all documents again?
Please do answer for both the questions
Can something be done with counter C. The waiting time is almost around 2 hours in Hyderabad- Tollichowki
Even they don’t follow a sequence?
Unable to understand the logic.
Unfortunately, the counter C is handled by Govt. employees and not sure, if that will change as the passport officer would very likely always be a government employee and not outsourced to any private firm…
But anyways it’s worth waiting
I received my passport in my hand in less than 48 hours
Happy to witness this speed.
Hi sir, I didn’t have my 10th original marks memo but i have my degree original one. Can i apply without 10th original or should it requires original 10th memo
Well, they may need it, if you do not have birth certificate…if you have birth certificate, then should be fine.
You may put a written complain over the email. Also, you may twitter the specific problem in the official twitter handle i.e., PassportSeva Support (@passportsevamea) | Twitter.
My place is Hyderabad, however I traveled to Coimbatore for Some coaching from an institute which will be there for the next 6 months and I need a passport with in this (6 months) time. Is there an option to get the passport without going back to Hyderabad, coz I cant take leave here not even for single day, i will get only Sunday.
I can apply online however for document verification only Can I do it here in Coimbatore PSK?
Details: I am staying in a Residency which is more of a hotel.
Jagadish V.
You can apply in Coimbatore PSK. See, if you can get letter from the residency or your institute that says you live there. You need your current address proof. You can go to your bank and update your details and then use the photo passbook as proof as well.
Dear Sir, I need to renew/reissue my recently expired passport which was renewed in Dubai but my address is still Indian address. I lived last 20 years in Dubai as NRI, hence I don’t have aadhaar in India. My quetion is here that is it finger prints or iris scan process happens in PSK?
Yes, they take finger prints. You can apply in India, if you have a permanent address..there may be police verification.
I had submitted by Passport Application on 15/6/2018 at PSK ITO Delhi. On the acknowledgement receipt, the status is coming as “On Hold” and online the status is “Passport application has been submitted along with applicable fees and supporting documents”. I have applied for reissue of passport under the Normal scheme. I was not asked to visit counter “C” at PSK. I had submitted Adhaar for both identity and address proof.
Since, more than 10 days have passed and there has been no status update, should I visit PSK or is it a standard procedure for every application. Also, kindly let me know as to within how much time the passport status should get changed or rather should get granted.
Thanks a Lot.
Hi , i skipped that section C too and facing same problem . Can you giude me what to do now next
Any update? I am facing the same issue.
My passport application get on hold at second section due to some address issue. So what is the further procedure if I will re-schedule my appointment.
Also, can we change the entered addresss of passport application in this scenario . Kindly let me ASAP .. I will be very thankful
You can re-schedule. Anything that is wrong, when you enter here by mistake online can be corrected at the PSK service center.
Dear Sir
What are the documents required for police verification.
I gave the following documents to the police officers.
B) E-aadhar card
C) Driving licence
Is there going to be any problems regarding verification certificate.
In general, unless you have any criminal record, you should be fine.
No sir I don’t have any kind of criminal record.
I had applied for the renew of passport on account of change of address on 15.1.18. Tracking status still shows that the application is under process. Is there any time limit for the process to get completed? There seems to b no further progress in this regard
You can reach out to customer service or visit RPO to find out whats going on and understand delay.
my passport status 1 st on hold after one day they change to sent to passport office for further processing what is meaning my all document are clear
could be interim steps, do not worry much, they may be system messages. If nothing happens in 15 days to a month, call customer service
I want to know that I m submitted all documents for normal new passport he will give me acknowledgement slip which have written that application status-on hold ,police verification-na and other things Na and don’t want to submit other documents but today is 15day no status will change what should I do.
Hi Shubham
I am facing the same problem with my application. Has your issue been resolved. If yes, please let me know how it was done. Thanks in advance.
Did you get the passport?
I applied for passport renewal & getting the same status