Coming from a middle-class family in India, I am not used to having an air conditioner at home or experiencing the same on a bus…also, I never had a car …on a hot summer day, if I travel, I would be almost drenched in sweat…It is quite a different experience living in similar weather conditions
Now since I moved to America, I have an Air conditioner at home, in the car, on the bus, and in any buildings that I enter. It is quite a comfortable life…I am still the same average middle-class man in America…but, as an individual, my life is pretty cozy. In this article, let me share some of my thoughts on personal life, enjoyment, and comfort in America compared with India… this article is part of the series Life in America vs. India
This article was written a long time over a decade ago, and things have changed. Many things do not apply in 2023. Take the info below with a pinch of salt.
Personal Life in the US vs. India
In America, your life is very independent…you have full freedom to be the way you want…Privacy is of utmost importance, either at home or in a social setting. You do not see people intruding into your personal life, unless you know them very well. You can dress the way you want, travel wherever you want, be passionate about anything you appreciate, etc…Though you are a social being, you are less dependent on others for living your daily life…
On the other hand, in India, unless you are from a very affluent society, you are limited by your choices and you are an interdependent human being…you may be barred from doing certain things because of the social implications and taboos…Your choices may be influenced by your peers, family or society because people tend to judge others based on their personal practices and lifestyle…In US, you have the freedom to have a weird lifestyle and not be judged by others…the reality is people do not care much about others lifestyle in US, it is all about individuality…
Physical Comfort in US vs. India
As I mentioned above, you have at most physical comfort everywhere in US….buses, trains, air planes, office buildings, homes, restaurants, shopping centers, etc…You have heaters in cold places and air conditioners in hot places…unless you live in a metro and have good transportation, most people own cars…owning a car is very common…You do not have power cuts…you have so many choices everywhere…I cannot think of anything that creates physical discomfort to me in US as a middle class guy…on the other hand in India, as a middle class guy, I am subjected to physical discomfort in many places buses, trains, shops, etc…I am not talking about upper middle class or rich people…just trying to compare middle class life in US vs. India
Enjoyment in US vs. India
There are so many things to do in US…you are free to do whatever you want without being judged by others…You are free to go to a American football game or to a pub and not be judged…read this article for things to do in USA …Some might like to play board games, some might like to paint, some might like to play guitar, some might like to do archery, some might like to do play cricket, some might like to tell stories, some might like to read books, do skydiving (my experience) etc…whatever your enjoyment activity is, you have a group of people interested in doing similar things and you can find them and enjoy your stuff without being judged by your peers, family and relatives…in India, due to social situations, unless your family and friends circle is care free, open minded, or may be affluent, you may be judged or criticized…Honestly, I would have never even tried to buy guitar, take dance classes, Tae-kwon-do classes, etc …just because my parents may say no, peer pressure and others would judge me…you have much independence to enjoy your life
Decision to live in US vs. India based on Personal preferences
Some people like to live an independent and comfortable life of their own without being judged by others…. some like to live in a social setting with their own cultural beliefs and surrounded by people with similar mindset…If you are in latter category, you are better off to live or settle in India…if not America is your place to live…irrespective of what your preferences are, living in US for some time will give you an understanding or new perspective of things….In all reality, many people settle in America not because they are making more money, but just that life is more independent, comfortable and with many options for their version of enjoyment….
What do you think of Personal life in US vs. India ?
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Yeah..I think the same. I want to live in USA too when I’ll grow up.. We’ve so many options there!