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MS in USA Fall 2019 – Deadlines, Application Process, Study Loans

Applying for MS in USA as an international student can be very challenging, if you do not know the process and do not plan it well ahead. In this article, we will cover some of the key steps in application process, deadlines, funding and how you may even get study loans.

Application Deadlines for Fall 2019 :
Applying on time is the most important thing. You may or may not have all the information at your hand, when you apply, but you should apply on time and then submit missing information later. Universities understand this and they will give you time. Also, it is important to note that some of the reputed schools only accept students for Fall in take only, so it is important to be aware of that.

Depending on the University you plan to apply to, the admission deadline for Fall 2019 might vary.   Below are some common deadlines for Fall 2019.

Fall 2019 Deadline Deadline TypeExample University
December 15th, 2018Admission + ScholarshipUSC – Graduate School for Engineering
Jan 15th, 2018.Final  – Admission
March 1st, 2018.Priority AdmissionUHCL –– Graduate School
June 1st, 2018Final Admission
December 15th , 2018AdmissionsHarvard SEAS Graduate School
January 15th, 2019AdmissionsTexas A&M College Station – CSE

If you notice, they are very different from one another and it is never late to start and apply early to get admission and be considered for scholarship.  One important thing to note is that, if you already have list of Universities that you plan to apply, you should check their websites and have the deadlines clarified so that you plan accordingly.

Application Process for Fall 2019 – Guide of various activities.  
The application process for international students is pretty similar to the normal students applying for graduate programs, except that you will have to deal with one more exam and visa related things. Below is a guide of activities that need to be done, if you are apply for Fall 2019.

We will assume the Fall 2019 deadline is January 15th, 2019 for indicative timelines suggestion in below table. You can recalculate timing, if your deadline is different month.

Admission Related ActivityApproximate Month to CompleteMore Info on admission activity
Take GRE, TOEFL  Tests October 30thEarlier the better. You can re-take if needed.
University Selection  – Identify the schools you plan to applyNovember 15thNeed to be picked by Nov 15th, as some may have early deadlines
Fill Application Form

Online Application Form

December 1stSooner the better as you will know what is required.
Statement of Purpose ( SOP)

Scholarship Essays

Admission related Essays

December 15thYou need to give enough time to think and write SOP, review the same with friends, profs for advice.
Transcripts of UndergraduateNovember 30thRequest them early
Recommendation lettersDecember 15thStart discussing with professors
Bank Statement with FundsDecember 15thTalk to Bank, get this ready
Draft of Application PackageDecember 15thYou need to have your Draft Application Package Ready by December 20th.
Final Check and Mail / PostDecember 15th – 31st.Review everything and post it by last week to avoid last minute rush
Mail Delivery  Time / DelaysJan 1st – 15thIt can take a week to 10 days, so ship them early.

Above are list of the high level activities for applying for Fall 2019. The dates can be adjusted depending on admission deadlines at the schools you plan to apply.  Many of the activities consume a lot of time.  Be it writing a good statement of purpose (SOP) or working with your professors for recommendation letters or even getting transcripts requested from your universities, it all can take time. So, it is suggested that you plan early and apply.

Applying for scholarships for Fall 2019 : Depending on the school, scholarships are either awarded based on general application, which you use for admission or sometimes you may need to submit separate application. You need to check with Graduate school admissions on the list of scholarships for international students and apply. Also, the deadlines for scholarships can be different from admission deadlines, you need to keep that in mind and apply early. Read How to find Scholarships for MS in USA

Did I miss anything ? Your thoughts ? Questions ?


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    • I can understand Rahul,

      But, It depends on people’s choice, Some of the student still want to do masters in abroad as well as some of them just want to do master’s for getting high pay jobs in abroad.

      So, This information and amused timeline who rally want to do master’s.

      Today, Some one won Nobal prize for research based on climate change, So, time will change and they again easy on visa in future when Govt. Changes.

      Never lose hopes, Just like Hope Hicks.

    • Rahul,
      If you are passionate about higher education, the visa rules should not really matter as most of the current rules that are updated are around work visa and fixing loop holes in the system. Of course, there are more stringent rules for students not to abuse OPT, but that all should be fine, if you are doing the right thing and going to good school…Also, rules keep changing with politics and it may be different in two years…

    • There is no doubt that things will be a little difficult as far as h1b is concerned. But it was always difficult. I do have to admit that the present administration has weeded out many undeserving and fake desi consultancy applications. So its not all bad. I am 100% sure next year there will be much less number of applications. So less chance of lottery which is nothing less than BULL CRAP.

      Either ways you will get a degree which will not go to waste. Good Luck!


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