Hello Blog Readers !
Happy New Year 2015 ! It has been an amazing year for us at the blog. Quick summary :
- We had about 30% increase in our readers.
- We have about 9800 questions and 8000 answers asked in our Q & A Platform. Many great contributions from the community.
- We also enhanced the H1B Sponsors search a little bit so that users can search by job title.
- We have about 600 articles on the blog and 125,000 comments.
- We have updated our blog theme to help mobile users. Still it is a work in progress, trying to add more functions and features.
Unfortunately, myself and Saurabh could not contribute in 2014 as much as we used to in the previous years, due to changes in our families and we have got more responsibilities. All my previous resolutions have not been successful, I would rather say nothing this time 😉 All I can say is ‘We will try to contribute more ( hopefully ) in 2015…’
Our mission for the blog is to empower students and professionals, who are in pursuit of their dream for higher education or work in America, with honest and reliable information and advice. We started our journeys in America almost a decade ago and it has been one hell of a learning experience all through the years. We do this out of our passion in our spare time and we will continue to do so. If you would like to be part of our team and believe in giving back to community by contributing to the blog via articles or answering questions in QA forum, or even help build tools for international community, we would love to have you as part of the team. Do drop us a note at redbus2us@gmail.com .
This blog is a platform for everyone to exchange views and seek each other help. It would have not been possible without your acceptance and support. Many have contributed to the blog. Saurabh has been the key for answering questions on the blog for few years, I am always grateful to him and Thank him for all his hard work and support ! Many other readers have helped others by answering questions in the QA section. Professor Dr. Sandeep Shankar has been answering quite a bit of questions and helping us as well along with many others. Thanks to him and many others in the below list. Please visit QA Users section for full list. They all deserve appreciation for their good work.
Thank you everyone for contributing to the blog and helping others ! We really appreciate it !
Thank you, Kumar. I hope and pray that every visitor to this site gets approval for whatever they are seeking. I think we have a great opportunity to help those who are stressed about their immigration situation.
Thanks Dr. Sandeep Shankar !