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New Mobile Theme for RedBus2US Blog – Add your comments


Apologies everyone for the issues. I did not test it well and some issues at the server front.  Hope it is resolved now. We will not go to Mobile Theme…Please test and post your feedback !


Hello Everyone !   We are excited to present a new Mobile Theme for our RedBus2US Blog.  The web experience was very clumsy without proper readability on a Mobile Device. We have seen significant growth in the mobile readers usage and would like to present better reading experience to our readers.

  • On iPhone and iPad, you can add the web application to your home screen as you can see below.
  • It promises better reading experience with simple theme and good font.

Would like to hear from you on the experience.

Please add your comments (both good and bad.)… Suggestions ?


Android_Redbus2uS_Home_ Redbus2US_Blog Redbus2US_Image Redbus2US_on_Phone Androdi_Redbus2US_Blog





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  2. This site has been a wonderful help for me during my H1B 2014 journey.

    I would like to suggest to add a “Discussion Forum” and Create a SUBJECT or TOPIC on request so that people can comment and add their replies one after another.

    Currently, people are scattered and discussions are going on at different “News Articles” added to the website such as “USCIS received 124,000 H1B Visa 2014 Petitions – Official Lottery Update Results” and other topics.

    The Discussion forum with a particular Topic will allow to bring the users at one location and respond to different questions and have good discussion.

    • Glad to hear. Infact, we have a discussion forum called question answer as you can see on top level navigation www.redbus2us.com/qa . Many use it…it is more about user preference…

  3. Actually, I liked the mobile site that you rolled out for desktops yesterday. But if you can have Comments column refreshed on the fly, it will be much better.
    And also, the number of comments for each article that was displayed in summary page was good – but it was not getting updated.

    Layout is pretty good.

    • lionking,
      I liked it too. Seems there are quite a few issues, I need to do some more research and test well, before rolling out. Thanks for your feed back .

  4. mobile theme is bad for desktop version…
    Finding difficult to navigate your site on desktop.. everypage is loading with mobile theme on..even after switching off the theme manually…

    u r scaring your visitors and driving them away..!!!

    • It was a mistake, intention was it would all work…something went wrong from technical side,…hope it is working now….Do check and let us know, if any issues.

    • Kumar, I am still facing it. When I open the website, it opens by default with Mobile theme. This thread when clicked, opens normally. But other threads (like “H1B Visa 2014”) when clicked are still opening with Mobile theme.
      I am using Chrome/Firefox on mac.

      Please remove this theme permanently from desktop version.

    • please use the desktop theme as the default one. other one may look great but less useful and buggy too. right now, by default it resets to mobile and other than this page no page loads in desktop version.

  5. – New Mobile version good on Mobile device not on browser.
    – Please remove the mobile theme if we are accessing from browser.
    -Comments are not up to date and displayed almost 12 hours old comments. Please provide live feed.

  6. Mods/Admins. I am doing some testing for you to help.

    When I load any of the forums the comments later than 11am does not show. But once I click the page numbers for older comments, then the new comments/pages start to show up.

    But once I close the browser and re-open I have to repeat as indicated in my post above.

    I hope this will help you rectify the issue.

      • Thanks for fixing the issues. All but one forum seem to have an issue left. When I click on the link provided below, I see only 12 pages of comments. But as I click on page #11, there is a magical page 13 that shows up. Seems like some comments are still not shown in the below forum. I tested this using tablet.


  7. It’s broken: The mobile version loads on desktop browsers also. And once loaded it does not update. Please disable the mobile version entirely until you have properly tested it because now the website is unusable.


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